Technology Systems for Home & Office near Green Valley, MD

For all of your hard-wiring needs, call Advanced Wiring Solutions! We offer a variety of technology systems for your convenience and security in Green Valley, Maryland, including:

We take care of it all, from consultation, choosing and purchasing your products, and installation. Let us help you build a custom system to suit your needs! Call today!

Home Automation near Green Valley, MD

“Hey Google, play my cleaning playlist.”

“Alexa, turn on the living room lights.”

Isn’t technology great? With a quick verbal command, simple tasks become hands-free. Did you get all tucked in and cozy only to realize that you left the oven on? Or maybe you are on your way to your luxury cruise when you remember that you didn’t lock your doors.

With a home automation system installed by Advanced Wiring Solutions, you can have peace of mind with the use of a smart speaker or an app. 

Your new home automation system can control your lighting, appliances, security systems, and more! Contact us for a quote!

Access Control Systems near Green Valley, MD

If your business sees a lot of foot traffic, the safety of your clients and employees is heavy on your mind. Ease some of that burden with a brand new access control system.

Take complete control over who can come and go from your place of business. Each employee can have a designated card or fob that can even store their information so you know who is coming through the door and when. 

Keep any valuable goods and information secure. Contact Advanced Wiring Solutions about an access control system today!

Burglar Alarm Systems near Green Valley, MD

Every 25 seconds, a burglary occurs in the U.S. That is an unsettling statistic!

Did you know that simply the illusion that there is an alarm system in place can deter a would-be burglar from trying to enter your home or office

With a burglar alarm from Advanced Wiring Solutions, you can sleep better at night knowing that, should an unwelcome intruder come by, you are prepared. Our alarms not only sound a siren, but will alert the proper authorities to get help to you, faster.

Pair an alarm system with CCTV cameras in order to catch a thief in the act. Video surveillance allows the police to identify a suspect much easier. All footage can be backed up on DVR for playback when you need it most.

Call today and one of our experts will help you build the burglar alarm system to suit your needs.